Dechen Ling is only open during scheduled events.
Currently there are no scheduled events happening at Dechen Ling.
Please click HERE to see what is currently happening at Tashi Choling, the main temple,
which is located 30 minutes from Dechen Ling
If you would like to receive the monthly calendar and email updates from Tashi Choling, which includes news from Dechen Ling, please send an email to In the subject field write the word: subscribe. In the body, include your name and email address.
Attending events at Dechen Ling:
Dechen Ling is located at 688 Clay St in Ashland. Parking is available on Clay Street. Additional parking is available at the Siskiyou School just down the street (except when school is in session). Please leave the parking spaces closest to Dechen Ling for those with disabilities. Also, we request that you do not park too close to our neighbors’ mailboxes or entrances to their driveways. Thank you.